Why is hamos so important for cable recycling?

150,000 tons of old cable annually

Did you know that every year in Germany, around 150,000 tons of old cables are recycled in specialized cable dismantling plants?

Even the smallest unrecovered copper losses of a few percent mean considerable financial losses for the cable recycler. With world market prices for copper around US$7,000 per ton, copper worth more than €200 per hour is sometimes lost together with the cable insulation.

A scrap cable reprocessing plant is therefore only particularly economical if the entire (!) valuable metal fraction is recovered from the scrap cables.

For this purpose, hamos offers dry-working electrostatic separators of the KWS type.

Learn more about maximum copper recovery with hamos KWS

We will be happy to show you how much more metal you can get out of your cable plastics during a separation test using your original material as an example.

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